quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015

Cobertura maven plugin generate xml report

Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. FindBugs Maven Plugin, 4 ·. 3.0.0, This Plug-In generates reports based on the Maven XML Beans Plugin, 1 ·. 2.3.3, Runs the xmlbeans parser/code. True hudson env. BUILD_NUMBER org. codehaus. mojo findbugs-maven-plugin true true true org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin xml package clean cobertura maven-license-plugin 1.10.b1 src/etc/license-template. txt true ${ project. build. 3.0.1 org. apache. maven. plugins maven-project-info-reportsplugin 2.7. Mojo-parent org. codehaus. mojo 24 4.0.0 2.0.6 cobertura-maven-plugin mavenplugin maven-plugin-api 2.0 org. apache. maven. reporting maven-reporting-api 20 14 true src/it */pom. xml verify ${project. build. directory}/local-repo clean site.

Jan 22, 2015 Listing 1 contains the build XML part which will trigger FindBugs and resource which refers to the class path from maven: maven. plugin. classpath. Line 2. Line 3: The Cobertura XML report generator builds based on the. Oct 7, 2012 I have used snapshot version of undercover and maven to build and generate coverage reports. Tested 3 different versions under plugin.

Apr 7, 2006 will generate HTML or XML reports. really handy with Maven. If you. re obertura. in the plugin. org. codehaus. mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin. Nov 11, 2008 I created a file pom2.xml for Grizzly. Put this file in org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin maven-surefire-report-plugin.

Pom. xml - Joinup - Europa

Hi All, I have generated cobertura reports from maven by executing the goal "mvn clean Did you generate the XML report(s) for Cobertura. Oct 2, 2012 Cobertura Reports for Integration Tests and Unit Tests in Apache Sling Simply update the configuration for build-helper-maven-plugin.

Make cobertura, jenkins and Maven 3 work together - Rudder

Mar 26, 2012 Plugin Management Generate Cobertura XML report from Ant or Maven or any other build tool. QuickBuild will NOT generate Cobertura report automatically, so first make sure the Cobertura report is produced by ANT or. Provides default project build configuration. http://www. forgerock. com CDDL-1.0 org. apache. maven. plugins maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.6 coberturamaven-plugin xml html package cobertura org. codehaus. mojo. Aug 13, 2012 The Maven Site 3.x plugin is a “container” for reporting plugins. Here is a table of some of the more 2.5.1 Line 24: site. xml defines the sites layout. This generates a page with links for the index page, a build page and a persistence page. Also, line.

Unlike Cobertura and Emma it fully supports Java 7 and Java 8. In order to run Clover from Apache Ant you can add the following to Ant build. xml file: com. atlassian. maven. plugins Output reports can highlight items with coverage levels below user-provided thresholds. May 30, 2012 Fixes #2192: make cobertura generate coverage. xml reports even with maven [ INFO] --- cobertura-maven-plugin:2.5.1:instrument (default-cli).

Feb 8, 2015 Fortunately there is a very nice Coveralls Maven plug-in with excellent and Coveralls plug-ins to the section of my pom. xml: Modified.

Publish Cobertura Report - QuickBuild 4.0.x - PMEase

You generate the XML report(s) for Cobertura So far, so good: If I do that in my Maven job under "Goals > and options", > > using either "-Pstaging" or. Nov 12, 2014 Configure project. s build script to generate cobertura XML reports. cobertura: clean Clean up rogue files that cobertura maven plugin is. ->Maven-compiler-plugin v3.0

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