sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

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Cobertura Reports for Integration Tests and Unit Tests in

Links. JenkinsBeispiel. zip - Maven Projekt mit JUnit und TestNG Mit Hilfe des Jenkins Cobertura Plugin kann Cobertura in Jenkins integriert werden. Jun 30, 2012 I used instructions from cobertura-maven-plugin to configure the build. now, I use jenkins cobuertural plugin, which will help me generate a. Dec 15, 2011 During each build of multi-project Maven setup, Jenkins (currently 1.422) runs additionally CheckStyle, Cobertura and FindBugs plugins.

Maven 3 Cobertura Issues So, one of our developers was seeing some odd results in his Jenkins cobertura reports. work (has issues shown in log above). Cobertura Maven Plugin: 2.51 - doesn. t work (has classloader MavenReport issues). Oct 2, 2012 Cobertura Reports for Integration Tests and Unit Tests in Apache Sling Then update the configuration for maven-failsafe-plugin to include the bundles you. Now, after a successful build in Jenkins ( mvn clean verify site.

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Please note that cobertura is not called through the pom. xml i. e. the pom. xml does not contain any maven-cobertura-plugin. Jenkins does have the cobertura.

Jenkins - Maven - Integration von Testwerkzeugen

Sep 17, 2012 With a project built in Maven, you can do all of these things quite easily, even for a The Maven Cobertura plugin instruments the classes (e. g. Feb 11, 2010 At present, the latest version of the cobertura-maven-plugin is 2.3 which runs with Cobertura 1.9.2. There are some snapshots in the codehaus. Nov 29, 2011 Fortunately, Cobertura makes this easy, because the source code comes with an example ant project. Install the Cobertura jenkins plugin.

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