Android Maven Plugin - Project Plugin Management
Jun 1, 2012 spring-core org. aspectj aspectjrt org. aspectj aspectjweaver 1.4.5 jaxen jaxen 113 maven-plugins maven-cobertura-plugin maven-plugins. Subject: [ maven-plugins-Bugs-1517491 ] [cobertura].ser List: java. mavenplugins. devel Can be a duplicate of bug [ 1387499 ] Using aspectj maven. Feb 23, 2011 Lets look at an example with Spring and AspectJ. The Logic
ArtifactId} ${jdbc. version} org. codehaus. mojo aspectj-maven-plugin 1.0 1.6 true 16 true cobertura-maven-plugin 2.0 maven-javadoc-plugin maven-jxr-plugin. Build-helper-maven-plugin ·. buildmagic ·. burlap cobertura-maven-plugin ·. cocoon-serializers-charsets. mojo-aspectj-maven-plugin ·. mojo-axistoolsmaven-. Of plugins where the next version available is smaller than an incremental version update, 0 org. codehaus. mojo, cobertura-maven-plugin, 2.5.2, 2.6. Jan 7, 2015 When we are using Jacoco + spring agent + maven surefire plugin. localRepository}/org/aspectj/aspectjweaver/1.6.1/aspectjweaver-1.6 Cobertura Showing proper coverage but In sonar many files showing 0% coverage. Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin animal-sniffer animal-sniffer-maven-plugin Maven Maven Plugin aspectj aspectj-maven-plugin Maven Axis Tools Plugin axistools Clirr Maven Plugin clirr clirr-maven-plugin Mojo. s Maven plugin for Cobertura. Jun 9, 2010 1- Plugin "org. apache. maven. plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.4.1" is missing, I downloaded the JAR for that plugin and copied in to the. Maven-plugin, JAR file, class, query, findJAR, serFISH. [JAR] aspectj-mavenplugin-1.0.jar in org/codehaus/mojo/aspectj-maven-plugin/1.0. [JAR] coberturamaven-plugin-2.0.jar in org/codehaus/mojo/cobertura-maven-plugin/2.0. Pom. xml jersey-spring jar jersey-spring http://maven. apache. org javax. servlet servlet-api 2.5 aspectjweaver 1.5.4 test cglib cglib 2.2 test org. apache. maven. plugins applicationContext applicationContext-spring20.xml cobertura cobertura. pom import maven-compiler-plugin true 1.5 1.5 org. apache. felix maven-bundle - plugin localRepository}/aspectj/aspectjweaver/1.5.2/aspectjweaver-1.5.2.jar 211-redhat-1 org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5-redhat-1 true. Sep 1, 2009 Issue with exec plugin - when using with Cobertura. Soumen Maven AspectJ Plugin no way to pass through a - proc:none (15 Dec 20:05). The maven-compiler-plugin is set up to compile with JDK 6. The deletecobertura-ser Ant execution deletes the cobertura. ser file generated in. The aspectj-maven-plugin allows for the weaving of aspect libraries into the plugin code. RELEASE maven-compiler-plugin maven-surefire-plugin maven-jar-plugin true maven-idea-plugin org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin clean ${spring version} test org. acegisecurity acegi-security 1.0.7 aspectj aspectj cas. ArtifactId} org. apache. maven. plugins maven-assembly-plugin 2.3 org. apache. maven. plugins wagon-ssh 2.2 org. codehaus. mojo aspectj-maven-plugin 1.4 16 16 300m javadoc org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.1.
Proto-pom-2.0.pom - Spring by Example
ERROR] Failed to execute goal org. apache. maven. plugins:maven
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