segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2014

Cobertura maven plugin error

User - Could not find artifact com. sun:tools:jar:0 - Mojo -

May 18, 2012 Why I am getting this error [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org. codehaus. mojo: cobertura-maven-plugin:2.5.1:instrument (default-cli) on. I try to use cobertura maven plugin for coverage my simple spring 3.1 application. But after run cobertura:cobertura, System show error. Code. The Maven site plugin can produce pretty much all of the information that Sonar does. cobertura-maven-plugin 2.4.

Maven 3 Cobertura Issues So, one of our developers was seeing some odd results in his Jenkins cobertura reports. Cobertura: Error reading file above). Cobertura Maven Plugin: 2.51 - doesn. t work (has classloader MavenReport issues). Could not find artifact com. sun:tools:jar:0. Hi, Just tried to add the cobertura plugin to our maven build, and I get this strange error. I. m running.

Feb 11, 2010 At present, the latest version of the cobertura-maven-plugin is 2.3 which runs with [cobertura-report] Error: Unable to read from data file C:\.

SonarQube Users - A required class was missing while

LifecycleExecutionException: Internal error in the plugin manager. resolve a version for plugin: org. codehaus. mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin. Aug 7, 2014 STEP 1: Suppress the Error Message The simplest solution is to instruct m2e org. jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin: Configuring Cobertura Exclusion to Work with Maven SiteIn "Cobertura". Unlike Cobertura and Emma it fully supports Java 7 and Java 8. com. atlassian. maven. plugins.

Apr 4, 2014 [ERROR] No plugin found for prefix. coveralls. in the current project and in the plugin org. eluder. coveralls:coveralls-maven-plugin:cobertura. I am having a tough time with maven site generation with Cobertura plugin( Both Introduction of Cobertura plugin to site generation caused the following error. Mar 29, 2013 The project currently has cobertura-maven-plugin as a dependency. [ERROR] Plugin org. codehaus. mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:2.5.1 or.

May 22, 2012 org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-mavenplugin. Nov 14, 2014 your tests on a Mac: [ERROR] BUILD ERROR Path to dependency: 1) org. codehaus. mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:2.6.

Aug 29, 2010 After those settings I ran mvn clean cobertura:cobertura and Yes, it worked! No more groupid >org. apache. maven. plugins. Project: org. codehaus. mojo/cobertura-maven-plugin, version: 2.5.1 - This is the Mojo. s Maven plugin for Cobertura. Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates.

Java. maven-plugins. mojo. devel - Desperate about cobertura

Aug 2, 2012 The Maven Site 3.x plugin is a “container” for reporting plugins. Here is a table of some of the more common maven. cobertura. plugin >2.5.1. Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few. Oct 30, 2013 We were using the latest version (2.6) of the cobertura-maven-plugin and encountered no problems, when creating a cobertura report within.

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