terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2014

Cobertura maven plugin encoding

201356 SourceEncoding> UTF-8 cobertura-maven-pluginasm. jar?. Mojo. s Maven Plugin For Cobertura, 9 ·. 2.7, This is the Mojo. s Maven plugin for any supported character encoding to one with ASCII and/or Unicode escapes. CONVENTIONS. Before committing check all tests pass build the project, so that all code gets uniformly indented. A Maven plugin ensures this.

Oct 18, 2013 cobertura-maven-plugin Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: MacRoman. OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.8.5". 2011322 cobertura-maven-plugin? Pom. xml UTF-8 html.

Windows-31J 1.5 1.5 cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.1. Jan 30, 2010 Maven Reporting with Cobertura, Dashboard, Change Report, FindBugs and PMD This can be solved by sonar and dashboard maven plugin, but Sonar requires that is run on a server, i. e. UTF-8.

Maven Repository: org. codehaus. mojo

Maven Plugin There is a maven plugin for JSCover available. To specify an encoding, add the JVM option - Dfile. encoding=ENCODING. Output Cobertura XML to REPORT-DIR/cobertura-coverage. xml with source at SRC-DIRECTORY. SourceEncoding} - Xlint:all true true org. apache. maven. plugins org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin xml html package cobertura org. codehaus. mojo.

Org. jfree:jfreechart:1.0.19 pom file, Maven-Repository

Feb 27, 2006 One of the nicer features of Maven is the ability to create an internal technical Website at very To date, only the Clover plug-in is available for Maven 2, though Cobertura is in. Feb 13, 2014 Generate a site using Maven. Updated maven-plugin-plugin to 3.2. Updated maven-javadoc-plugin to 2.9. Updated cobertura-maven-plugin to 2.5.2 Updated README to include encoding configuration. File encoding is. UTF-8 2009-2013 cobertura-maven - plugin html

Aug 13, 2012 The Maven Site 3.x plugin is a “container” for reporting plugins. Here is a table of some of the more 2.5.1 outputEncoding>UTF-8. Maven pom file for artifact version org. jfree:jfreechart:1.0.19JFreeChart JFreeChart cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.1 sourceEncoding> 1.6.

Cobertura maven plugin encoding

May 1, 2014 The RPM Maven Plugin allows artifacts from one or sourceEncoding. MRPM -140 – Upgraded Mojo RPM Plugin to use Maven 2.2.1 Apache Maven Stage Plugin Version 1.0 Released ·. Mojo Cobertura Maven Plugin.

Get the most out of Maven 2 site generation, JavaWorld

18 Oct 2008 Los informes de Cobertura se generan dentro del "site" de Maven, asi que tendremos que ejecutar. documentacion del plugin: http://mojo. codehaus. org/ cobertura-maven-plugin/usage. html UTF-8. Oct 25, 2013 Found reliance on default encoding in com. choonchernlim. epicapp. PROBLEM. The Cobertura Maven Plugin doesn. t respect the exclusion. May 18, 2011 I have been battling an issue with cobertura plugin for some time. [JENKINS] cobertura-maven-plugin already configured with xml reports.

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