sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014

Cobertura maven plugin changelog

. 400 Com. wakaleo. schemaspy maven-schemaspy-plugin maven-plugin RELEASE 1.5 1.5 org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin 2.0 128m com/ wakaleo/**/*Test. class maven-javadoc-plugin maven-jxr-plugin mavenchangelog-plugin. META-INFmavenorg. grailsgrails-maven-pluginpom. xml. 2.1 2.4.

Jun 2, 2009 A new topic,.Liquibase failing when running cobertura reports. has been made on LockHandler acquireLock INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock dbChangeLog. xml does not exist at org. liquibase. maven. plugins. [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ forge-core --- [INFO]. [INFO] configuring report plugin org. apache. maven. plugins:maven-changelogplugin:2.2 [INFO] >>> cobertura-maven-plugin:2.5.1:cobertura.


Maven-schemaspy-plugin-1.0.pom - Wakaleo Consulting

En maven 3 es necesario agregar el siguiente plugin a nuestra. changelog: Informe con la lista de cambios generada a partir del historico del sistema cobertura: Informe con mediciones sobre el grado de cobertura de las clases de test. I want to generate test coverage reports with maven-cobertura-plugin and. Release Notes - Maven 2.x JavaCC Plugin - Version 2.2** Bug * [MJAVACC-18].

Re: [m2e-users] Can;t get lifecyvle mapping working for maven

True utf-8 100 1.5 maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.1.1 org. codehaus. mojo changelog-maven-plugin 2.0-beta-1 org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin. The Maven site plugin can produce pretty much all of the information that Sonar does. cobertura-maven-plugin 2.4. Mar 1, 2014 When I use cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.2 all tests run fine and the Looking at the release notes of cobertura-maven-plugin 2.6.

RELEASE org. apache. maven. plugins maven-deploy-plugin 2.7 mavenjavadoc-plugin 2.9 true org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.2 2.2 dual-report range 30 changelog file-activity false org. apache. maven. plugins. Jun 28, 2011 maven-enforcer-plugin. cobertura-maven-plugin. 2.2.

Cobertura maven plugin changelog

Jun 25, 2007 Please see about the AppFuse Maven Plugin (AMP) for more information Add 20 to the cobertura-maven-plugin to fix its.


Oct 7, 2012 This took me a while to figure out so I thought it was worth a quick post. As is clear from the Grails Cobertura plugin documentation it is possible. RELEASE org. apache. maven. plugins maven-deploy-plugin 2.4 2.7 true org. codehaus. mojo cobertura-maven-plugin org. apache. maven. plugins 2.2 dualreport range 30 changelog file-activity false org. apache. maven. plugins. Celerio/Springfuse Change Log maven-bootstrap-plugin (celerio bootstrap) when the default value of maven-celerio-plugin. See Mojarra release notes. upgrade maven-pmd-plugin from 2.4 to 2.7. upgrade cobertura plugin to 2.5.1.

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