quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014

Cobertura maven plugin phase

Oct 2, 2012 Then update the configuration for maven-failsafe-plugin to include the. cobertura-clean clean. Dec 28, 2010 Cobertura, TestNG and Maven play well together. Long story short, Spock uses JUnit internally, not TestNG, and the surefire plugin only. Dec 16, 2009 In any case, we only cared about Groovy so Cobertura was a good choice. With the Cobertura Maven plugin we quickly found a problem, which.

META-INFmavenorg. rhqrhq-script2-pluginpom. xml. coberturainstrument pre-integration-test

Getting TestNG, Spock and Cobertura to work together with Maven

META-INFmavenorg. rhqrhq-core-utilpom. xml. maven-antrun-plugin coberturainstrument process-test-classes

[Maven-plugins-user] Cobertura - jboss - all tests -

Aug 16, 2014 Capturing Code Coverage with Cobertura. The ActiveSpaces Transactions Maven plugin has been tested to work with the Cobertura plugin to. Dec 13, 2012 The cobertura-it-maven-plugin is a fork of codehaus cobertura-maven-plugin which Goal report-only must be executed in the pre-site phase. Http://mojo. codehaus. org/tomcat-maven-plugin/deployment. html. runs during the process-resources phase, but this throws an error when run with Cobertura.

I set the maven-plugin-phase to process-classes 2. Attempting to resolve a version for plugin: org. codehaus. mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin. 1 Compile: 2. Tests: ( surefire tests and cobertura are skipped in that phase). [ Maven-plugins-user] How to include jar files into an OSGi bundle Platform: Intel.

Cobertura maven plugin phase

Sep 25, 2014 maven-antrun-plugin ALWAYS uses scoverage plugin. in contrast Maven Cobertura plugin does not copy-scaladocs-to-site site.

Maven-fluency-plugin - Code Coverage with Cobertura

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