Oct 2, 2012 Then update the configuration for maven-failsafe-plugin to include the. cobertura-clean
META-INFmavenorg. rhqrhq-script2-pluginpom. xml. coberturainstrument META-INFmavenorg. rhqrhq-core-utilpom. xml. I set the maven-plugin-phase to process-classes 2. Attempting to resolve a version for plugin: org. codehaus. mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin. 1 Compile: 2. Tests: ( surefire tests and cobertura are skipped in that phase). [ Maven-plugins-user] How to include jar files into an OSGi bundle Platform: Intel. Sep 25, 2014 Getting TestNG, Spock and Cobertura to work together with Maven
[Maven-plugins-user] Cobertura - jboss - all tests -
Aug 16, 2014 Capturing Code Coverage with Cobertura. The ActiveSpaces Transactions Maven plugin has been tested to work with the Cobertura plugin to. Dec 13, 2012 The cobertura-it-maven-plugin is a fork of codehaus cobertura-maven-plugin which Goal report-only must be executed in the pre-site phase. Http://mojo. codehaus. org/tomcat-maven-plugin/deployment. html. runs during the process-resources phase, but this throws an error when run with Cobertura.
Maven-fluency-plugin - Code Coverage with Cobertura
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